Writers Theatre houses a beloved, world-class theatre company and galvanizes the theatre’s role as a cultural anchor for its community. The two intimate performance spaces – a thrust stage and a black box- adjoin a plaza-like lobby space that expands the theatre’s performance, educational, and community programming. A sophisticated wood and steel lattice structure evokes the storied timber of the local ecology and historic precedent theatres and is an illuminated beacon at night. The strength of the design both elevates and roots the theatre and its community in shared connections to gathering, storytelling, and place.

Client: Writers Theatre

Completed: 2016

Role: Studio Gang Architects, Architects of Record; Kara Boyd: Project and Design Lead, Jeana Ripple: Design Team member

Certification LEED Gold

Awards Merit Award Recipient, Illumination Awards (Lightswitch), 2017; Finalist, The Plan Awards, Culture, 2017; Jury and Popular Choice Winner, Architizer A+ Awards, 2017


Artist House


ArtHouse Gary